Monday, January 5, 2009

Race schedule

So, considering we're officially into the new year, it's probably about time to start planning a race schedule for 2009. The "A" race is obviously IM WI, but we'll need a few warm-up events to mix up the training schedule, get used to racing, and have some fun.

We're looking at starting the year off in Galena on May 16. This is a great sprint distance race, located in a very scenic (and hilly) part of Illiois, and just happens to be the site of my very first tri in 2003. Another plus for this race is that we could stay an extra day and get some good hill training in before heading back to pancake-flat Chicago. Unfortunately, the weather is very unpredictable that time of year, and, because of the expense, we might decide to go in another direction (Tri-Shark perhaps?).

IMWI is notorious for its rolling, never-ending hills, so the next event on the (tentative) agenda is the Horribly Hilly Hundreds on June 20. We did the 200k back in 2006, and it was a total beast. Hills, hills, and more hills. Probably the toughest day I've ever spent in the saddle. The 200k was a bit more than we probably needed, especially that early in the season, so we'd most likley do the 100k this time out, which is still no walk in the park.

Then we'll need a 70.3 to see how things are clicking, and we're signed up for Steelhead on August 1. Although the reviews for this race aren't great - too crowded, and the swim was canceled last year because of dangerous surf conditions - they're capping entry at 1800, which should make things a bit smoother out on the road. And I'm excited to do a race that we've never done before.

That's it, so far. We might throw something else in there for shits and giggles, but racing is sooooo expensive now, and we'll probably spend the remaining weekends getting in bike/run miles out in the suburbs. I'm still excited, so that's a good thing!

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